Breast Surgery

Breast Surgery

Cosmetic surgery of the breast can be divided into four categories:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Breast reduction
  • Correction of gynecomastia (male breast reduction)

These operations are performed under general anesthesia, as an outpatient procedure.

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Our Breast Surgery Procedures

  • Breast Augmentation

    Breast augmentation uses breast implants to increase the fullness and improve the symmetry of your breasts. It may also be used to restore your breast volume that is lost after pregnancy. This procedure is also known as an Augmentation Mammoplasty.

  • Breast Lift

    A breast lift will raise your breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support your new breast contour. This procedure is also known as a Mastopexy.

  • Breast Reduction

    Large, heavy breasts are usually a developmental phenomenon, which occurs in adolescence but may also occur later in life, either due to pregnancy, menopause or weight gain. This may cause the patient neck and back discomfort and may, in certain cases, severely restrict her physical activities.

  • Correction of Gynecomastia

    Gynecomastia is a condition whereby the male breast enlarges either due to an increase in the fat of the breast or the glandular tissue. This is usually a benign condition and quite often develops during adolescence as the effect of the hormones causes the breasts to enlarge. It may sometimes be seen in competitive weight lifters who are taking anabolic steroids.


Breast Surgery

Breast Augmentation

Warning: These photos are published in order to provide information on the nature of the operation. They do not constitute a guarantee of result in any way. The patients have given consent for the use of these photos on the internet.

Learn more about Breast Augmentation

Breast Surgery

Breast Lift

Warning: These photos are published in order to provide information on the nature of the operation. They do not constitute a guarantee of result in any way. The patients have given consent for the use of these photos on the internet.

Learn more about Breast Lift

Breast Surgery

Breast Lift

Warning: These photos are published in order to provide information on the nature of the operation. They do not constitute a guarantee of result in any way. The patients have given consent for the use of these photos on the internet.

Learn more about Breast Lift

Breast Surgery

Breast Reduction

Warning: These photos are published in order to provide information on the nature of the operation. They do not constitute a guarantee of result in any way. The patients have given consent for the use of these photos on the internet.

Learn more about Breast Reduction
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